Our Top 10 Scuba Diving Sites in The Gili Islands, Nusa Islands, & Lombok

From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders...But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Sink Beneath the Surface
Embark on an extraordinary aquatic adventure as you descend into the captivating depths of the ocean surrounding the Gili Islands, Nusa Islands, and Lombok. Prepare to be mesmerized by a symphony of vibrant coral reefs, fascinating marine creatures, and awe-inspiring underwater landscapes. From novice divers to seasoned enthusiasts, these tropical Indonesian islands offer a scuba diving experience that will leave you spellbound and craving for more.

Begin your journey in the Gili Islands, a trio of enchanting paradises with crystal-clear waters that offer unparalleled diving opportunities.

Explore the underwater wonderland that lies beneath the surface, where an explosion of colors awaits. Immerse yourself in a thriving ecosystem, where coral gardens teem with life and pulsate with energy. Swim alongside majestic sea turtles as they glide effortlessly through the water, creating a sense of calm and tranquility. Discover the secrets of the Gili Islands' renowned dive sites, such as Shark Point and Manta Point, where encounters with graceful reef sharks and majestic manta rays will leave you in awe of their magnificence.

Venturing further to the Nusa Islands, you'll discover a diving paradise that's rich in diversity and wonder.

Explore the depths surrounding Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan, where encounters with majestic manta rays and elusive mola mola (sunfish) will leave you in awe. Dive into crystal-clear waters and witness the manta rays gracefully gliding through the ocean, their enormous wingspans captivating your senses. Be mesmerized by the otherworldly presence of the mola mola, as they make their seasonal appearances, adding an extra touch of magic to your diving experience. Explore dramatic underwater landscapes, with towering limestone cliffs, hidden caves, and coral-covered walls that create an awe-inspiring backdrop for your dives. The Nusa Islands are a playground for adventurous divers, offering thrilling drift dives and exhilarating encounters with some of the ocean's most extraordinary creatures.

Lombok, with its pristine coastline and diverse marine ecosystems, is a hidden gem for scuba diving enthusiasts.

From the vibrant reefs surrounding Gili Gede and Sekotong to the dramatic walls of Belongas Bay, Lombok offers a range of dive sites that will take your breath away. Descend into the depths and witness the sheer beauty of untouched coral gardens, vibrant with a kaleidoscope of marine life. Encounter schools of barracudas, reef sharks, and even the occasional hammerhead, as they glide through the deep blue. Explore underwater caves and swim-throughs, adding an extra element of adventure to your dives. Lombok's dive sites offer a sense of exploration and discovery, as you dive into an underwater realm that remains relatively untouched and off the beaten path.

Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner looking to take your first underwater breaths, the Gili Islands cater to all skill levels. PADI-certified dive centers are scattered across the islands, offering professional instruction, equipment rental, and guided dives to ensure a safe and unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in a community of passionate divers who share their knowledge and love for the ocean, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and adventure.
Let's Explore
Manta Point is an incredible dive spot as it hosts majestic manta rays throughout the year. Manta rays often swim in "squadrons", with divers known to have seen up to 20 at a time. The waters are rich with tiny fish and plankton, which help nourish this sublime flying phenomenon. Located at the foot of dramatic, deep sea cliffs, these current-swept reefs offer visitors the chance to get up close and personal with large manta rays as they barrel roll and swoop toward the surface while feeding. Nearby cleaning stations offer a unique chance to watch the mantas as they hover effortlessly and patiently allow small cleaner fish to perform a bit of housekeeping.

The underwater canyons create a sublime landscape, with a plateau starting at 10m and dropping down to 40m. Other marine species found here include turtles, blue spotted stingrays, scorpionfish, lionfish, white tip sharks, spiny lobsters, nurse sharks, deep sea tuna, tiger mackerel, octopus, cuttlefish, pufferfish, and some big triggerfish. During the dry season, divers have also been lucky enough to swim with Mola-Mola, the giant sunfish!
Manta Point: Nusa Penida
< 20 meters
7 - 20 meters
All year round
20 - 29 degrees
Crystal Bay is one of the finest dive sites in the world to interact with the Mola-Mola, or Oceanic Sunfish. This prehistoric species is the heaviest and biggest bonefish in the sea, with an average adult weight of 1,000 – 2,000 kilograms, can grow to over 2 meters long, and can submerge to depths of around 600 meters. The fauna and the flora in Crystal Bay are simply incredible. In addition to the splendid variety of colourful marine fish, you may also see wobbegongs, eagle rays, manta rays, dolphins, hawksbill turtles, blue spotted rays, napoleon wrasse, trumpet fish, squid, cuttlefish, blue-yellow ribbon eels, trigger fish, butterfly fish, moray eels, angelfish, sweetlip, frogfish, banded sea snakes, moorish idols, banner fish, trevally, jackfish, tuna, snapper, and mackerel - an absolute smorgasboard! We recommend this site for advanced divers, as the currents can be quite strong and temperatures can drop to around 15 degrees. Venture a little further and enter an underwater, open-top cave where bats sleep overhead and reef sharks hover in solitude.
Crystal Bay: Nusa Penida
< 30 meters
5- 40 meters
15 - 29 degrees
July - October
Shark point, as the name suggests, is an excellent site for viewing larger marine life on the north side of Gili Trawangan. A coral reef plateaus at 10 meters as it follows the north side of the island before sloping down to 18 meters. The deeper part of Shark Point cascades into rolling valleys that run parallel to the shoreline and extending down to 35 meters. The Glen Nusa shipwreck is located at the northern part of the site, in 28m of water. The deep ridges at this dive site are characterized by a striking display of Sea Fans, Giant Barrel Sponges, Sea Whips, and stony corals. It is a nutrient-rich arena that attracts many schooling fish such as Yellow Lined, Humpbacked, and Black Snapper.

Both black and white tip reef sharks are found basking in the canyons, along with cuttlefish, stingrays, and a huge number of sea turtles. A medium to strong current is often present here, making it an ideal drift dive for intermediate and advanced divers. During stronger currents, divers can be treated to schooling Batfish, Manta Rays, Giant Trevally, Spanish Mackerel, and Dogtooth Tuna.

Shark Point: Gili Trawangan
< 22 meters
10- 35 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Just off Gili Trawangan’s northern tip, Halik Reef is the perfect aquatic rendezvous for divers of all levels. Also referred to as the Coral Fan Garden, it meanders for over a kilometer, and is home to an abundant array of exquisite marine life. The reef boasts a variety of coral canopies that host large schools of rainbow-colored Anthias, Clownfish, Butterflyfish, Red Tooth Triggerfish, and a variety of Fusiliers. Giant Morays can be seen here as well as Octopus and large Cuttlefish, Scorpionfish and Lionfish. The deep ridges at Halik are equally as beautiful, featuring pink and orange Sea Fans, White Tip Reef Sharks, schooling Snapper, and Blue Spotted Ribbon Tailed Rays.

A mild to medium current is usually present here, making it a perfect leisurely drift dive. Divers should also keep an eye out for blue for large Napoleon Wrasse, Spanish Mackerel, Dog Tooth Tuna, schooling Bumphead Parrotfish and the occasional Manta Ray. To top it off, the reef has also been described as a turtle wonderland. The endangerd Hawksbill and Green turtles are here in abundance, and often seen grazing in the shallower depths.

Halik Reef: Gili Trawangan
< 30 meters
15 - 40 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Despite the name, this is not a shipwreck — rather, it marks the location of a large sunken floating dock that was once used by the Bounty Resort on Gili Meno. The 30 meter long platform descended below the waves in 1999 after a violent storm, and has now transformed into a perfect artificial reef - home to many different species of coral and aquatic life. The Bounty lies in 18 meters of water and rises to 8 meters from the surface, making it accessible to all level of divers. Swathed in Sinularia Leather Corals, Black Coral Trees, and colorful Sponges, the Bounty Wreck has attracted a range of Angelfish Species including Emperor, Semi-Circle, Blue Girdled, Masked and Lemon Peel varieties, as well as schooling Fusiliers and an array of Butterflyfish.

Beyond the Wreck, divers can explore a coral ridge extending from 12 to 20 meters deep, featuring large colonies of Tomato, False Clown, Pink, and Clark’s Anemonefish. The shallow reef surrounding the wreck is home to large and varied colonies of Acropora coral and Gorgonian Sea Fans. Glide along with the current and look for sleeping Green Turtles, White Tip Reef Sharks, Grouper, Scorpionfish, and Jawfish.
Bounty Wreck: Gili Meno
< 20 meters
8 - 20 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Famous for it’s dive sites “The Magnet" and “The Cathedral", Belongas Bay offers pristine reefs and an abundance of marine life. Seasonal sightings of schooling Barracuda, Tuna, and other Shark species is fairly regular, and apart from the Mobula- and Eagle Ray season during September, Hammerhead Sharks have the tendency to school around The Magnet, a towering pinnacle in the open sea - rising up to the surface from a depth of around 80 meters, from the end of June until early November.

Named after the shape of its own pinnacle, The Cathedral is home to large, friendly banded sea snakes. Divers can also spot Napoleon Wrasse and plenty of schooling reef fish, and there is a large cave demanding to be explored at 40 meters. Sitting at the mouth of Belongas Bay to the open sea, Gili Sarang is the place to spot Mobula Rays. They often swim in groups of 2 to 3 and will stay with divers, offering great photo and video opportunities. In August and September, Mobula schools are usually bigger, with dozens of rays surrounding divers. This is also a great spot to drift over large expanses of soft coral.
Belongas Bay: Lombok
5 - 15 meters
8 - 40 meters
27 - 29 degrees
June - November (Hammerheads)
Descend into the deep blue onto a stunning coral reef rising from the depths, surrounded by white sand. As the top of the reef is 18 meters, this site is only accessible to advanced divers, who can drift leisurely over some of the healthiest and most diverse corals in the Gili Islands. As the panorama extends to a depth of 40 meters, advanced Nitrox divers will benefit greatly from the fabulous sights on offer. Ideal for wide angle photography, everything seems bigger at Simon’s.

From Giant Gorgonian Sea Fans to enormous Barrel Sponges; Spotted Eagle Rays, Green Sea Turtles, and White Tip Reef Sharks can also be seen cruising through the reef canyons. Every color of the rainbow is on vivid display - from Blue and Yellow Fusiliers, vibrant purple Sea Whips, to bright orange Sea Fans. Trained eyes might also spot the smallest of aquatic delights, including Pygmy Sea Horses, Porcelain Crabs, Hairy Squat Lobsters and vibrant Nudibranchs. We advise you to carry a torch, as you will spot many more inhabitants hiding under the various overhangs and outcrops. You'll also encounter Cuttlefish, Invertebrates, Scorpionfish, Leaf fish, Lionfish, inquisitive Eels, Barracuda, Tuna, Sea Snakes, and so much more!
Simon's Reef: Gili Meno
<30 meters
25 - 40 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Deep Turbo is a firm favourite within the experienced diving community. The dramatic aquatic topography is explored less frequently than shallower sites, meaning the coral gardens are in pristine condition. If there's anything big cruising around the Gili Islands, there's a good chance you'll spot it here! Watch for Striped Malin, Leopard Sharks, White and Black Tip Reef Sharks, Moray Eels, giant Rays, huge Turtles, schools of Batfish and giant Bumphead Parrotfish.

The current can be difficult to manage - it drifts at a right angle to the reef - so you're often against it or parallel...but this is a game worth playing! The sandy bottom also demands attention, as Spotted Eagle Rays camouflage extremely well. Pygmy Seahorses hiding within the Sea Fans are also worth seeking, and garden eels poking their heads out of the sand are prolific in number.
Deep Turbo: Gili Trawangan
>15 meters
22 - 40 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Meno Wall is a dazzling, relaxing site for diver's of all levels. Crustaceans (tiny porcelain crabs, spiny lobsters, small shrimps, cowrie shells) and invertebrates and prolific in number. Two sections of steep walls extend down to 18 meters before gently delving deeper into the sand. A steep, sandy slope with scattered coral gardens lies between the two walls, which is often protected from strong currents and waves.

Green Sea Turtles, Clownfish, Angelfish, Spanish Dancers, baby Cuttlefish, Scorpionfish, and Anemone Fish are often spotted, and keep watch for mesmerizing schools of Glassfish. Gaze further into the blue for a chance to catch schooling Bumphead Parrotfish, White Tipped Reef Sharks and Spotted Eagle Rays gliding by, along with Grouper, Sweetlip, Snapper, Butterflyfish, Parrotfish, Hawksbill Turtles, Moray Eels, and spectacular Lionfish. Meno Wall is quite the adventure, and a wonderful night-dive site!
Meno Wall: Gili Meno
15 - 30 meters
5 - 24 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Perfect for photographers, Secret Garden is a patch reef featuring a sand and rubble slope where several coral bommies have become a magnet for some weird and wonderful marine creatures. It provides a perfect training area as the gentle topography of this dive site also makes it ideal of honing your skills in Navigation, Perfect Buoyancy, Photography, and Night Diving. Glide along the slopes lined with vivid soft corals and explore the interesting crevices and overhangs with huge barrel sponges and an impressive hard coral formation.

The rare and elusive Ghost Pipefish, in both the Ornate and Robust varieties, can be found hiding here, together with Moray Eels, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Blue Ribbon Eels, Frogfish, Rhinopias, Scorpionfish, Spiny Devilfish, Helmut Gurnards, and an assortment of colorful Nudibranchs. Also commonly seen are Clarks Anemonefish, Green Sea Turtles, Blue Spotted Stingrays and Peacock Mantis Shrimp. This site is highly recommended if there is a medium to strong current in other locations, as it is sheltered from the wind and offers very reliable diving conditions.
Secret Garden: Gili Meno
10 - 30 meters
15 - 26 meters
26 - 29 degrees
All year round