Our Top 10 Snorkeling Sites in the Gili Islands, Nusa Islands, & Lombok

The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Plunge into Perfection
Prepare to be swept away by a kaleidoscope of colors and the mesmerizing beauty that lies beneath the glistening waters surrounding the Gili Islands, Nusa Islands, and Lombok. Strap on your snorkel gear, slip into the turquoise embrace of the ocean, and embark on an unforgettable journey through these subaquatic wonderlands. Get ready to witness a symphony of marine life, vibrant coral gardens, and hidden treasures that will leave you breathless and longing for more.

The Gili Islands, with their crystal-clear waters and thriving coral reefs, offer an exceptional snorkeling experience that is perfect for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts.

As you glide along the surface, you'll find yourself immersed in a world of vibrant marine biodiversity. Encounter playful clownfish darting in and out of their anemone homes, while schools of colorful parrotfish and butterflyfish create a spectacle of movement and beauty. Keep your eyes peeled for gentle sea turtles gracefully gliding through the water, their elegant presence a true marvel to behold. The Gili Islands' snorkeling sites are easily accessible from the shores, allowing you to explore their underwater wonders at your own pace.

Venture further to the Nusa Islands, where a plethora of snorkeling spots awaits your exploration.

Nusa Lembongan, Nusa Ceningan, and Nusa Penida are renowned for their thriving coral gardens and pristine waters. Dive into a vibrant underwater world adorned with an abundance of hard and soft corals, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors. Swim alongside graceful manta rays as they glide effortlessly through the water, their enormous wings creating an awe-inspiring spectacle. Marvel at the majestic mola mola (sunfish) during the appropriate season, as they gracefully navigate the depths. The Nusa Islands' snorkeling sites offer a diverse range of marine encounters, ensuring an adventure that caters to every snorkeler's dreams.

For a snorkeling experience that takes you off the beaten path, head to Lombok's coastal waters.

This enchanting island is blessed with hidden gems that await your discovery. Explore the underwater world surrounding Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Senggigi, where vibrant coral reefs flourish and an abundance of marine life thrives. Immerse yourself in the captivating dance of schools of tropical fish, their colors illuminating the water like living rainbows. Keep a lookout for elusive reef sharks gliding effortlessly below, and if you're lucky, you might even encounter a playful pod of dolphins frolicking in the distance. Lombok's snorkeling sites offer a tranquil and uncrowded experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty that surrounds you.

To make the most of your snorkeling adventure, consider joining a guided tour or hiring a local boat to take you to the best spots. The experienced guides will navigate you through the hidden gems, ensuring your safety and offering insights into the marine life and ecosystems you encounter. They will share their knowledge and passion, enhancing your snorkeling experience and deepening your appreciation for these precious environments.
Let's Dive into our Top 10!
This hauntingly beautiful sculpture comprises of a circle of 48 life-size figures encircling yet more figures on the sea bed. Designed by Jason deCaires Taylor, the interlocking pieces connect to provide a platform for marine life to colonise and inhabit. It is situated in shallow water, just a short swim from the beach, and is fast becoming the number one must see attraction on the Gili Islands. The sculptures are used to instigate growth and the subsequent changes intended to explore the aesthetics of decay, rebirth and metamorphosis.

The warm waters around the islands are teeming with marine life, including turtles, moray eels, octopus, cuttlefish, rays, sea snakes, white tip and black tip reef sharks, bumphead, parrot fish and clown fish.
It is not only the fish that attract hundreds of visitors throughout the year, but also the array of soft and hard coral and the incredible underwater photo opportunities this truly unique panorama provides.
The Nest Statues: Gili Meno
< 20 meters
4 meters
20 - 29 degrees
All year round
Manta Point is an incredible dive spot as it hosts majestic manta rays throughout the year. Manta rays often swim in "squadrons", with divers known to have seen up to 20 at a time. The waters are rich with tiny fish and plankton, which help nourish this sublime flying phenomenon. Located at the foot of dramatic, deep sea cliffs, these current-swept reefs offer visitors the chance to get up close and personal with large manta rays as they barrel roll and swoop toward the surface while feeding. Nearby cleaning stations offer a unique chance to watch the mantas as they hover effortlessly and patiently allow small cleaner fish to perform a bit of housekeeping.

The underwater canyons create a sublime landscape, with a plateau starting at 10m and dropping down to 40m. Other marine species found here include turtles, blue spotted stingrays, scorpionfish, lionfish, white tip sharks, spiny lobsters, nurse sharks, deep sea tuna, tiger mackerel, octopus, cuttlefish, pufferfish, and some big triggerfish. During the dry season, divers have also been lucky enough to swim with Mola-Mola, the giant sunfish!
Manta Point: Nusa Penida
< 20 meters
7 - 20 meters
20 - 29 degrees
All year round
Located on the northeastern side of Gili Meno, Turtle Heaven is a mesmerizing underwater pinnacle that offers an unparalleled snorkeling experience. Just 80 meters away from the beach, this enchanting site immerses you in a world teeming with marine life and breathtaking encounters. As you venture into the depths of Turtle Heaven, a spectacular array of marine creatures greets you. Witness the graceful movements of moray eels as they navigate through the vibrant coral formations. Marvel at the intelligence of octopuses as they maneuver with precision and agility. Be captivated by the ever-changing colors and patterns of cuttlefish, and keep a keen eye out for the elusive rays gliding gracefully through the water.

Encounter sea snakes, white tip and black tip reef sharks, bumphead parrotfish, and the delightful clownfish, however, the true stars of Turtle Heaven are the magnificent Hawksbill and Green Sea Turtles. Dubbed "Turtle House," Turtle Heaven is not only a haven for these incredible creatures but also a testament to human efforts in creating new marine ecosystems. Man-made structures have been carefully placed on the seabed, promoting the growth of coral formations and providing a thriving environment for an abundance of marine life.
Turtle Heaven: Gili Meno
< 22 meters
10- 35 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Crystal Bay is located on the northwest end of Nusa Penida and this palm-fringed, white-sandy beach with, as the name suggests, crystal-clear ocean waters. As the bay sits between Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan, it is often protected from strong currents, making it the perfect location for snorkelers of all levels to enjoy a day exploring this aquatic playground. A leisurely 10 meter swim from the shore will have you gliding over gorgeous coral reefs which are teeming with vividly coloured marine fish. Turtles graze here regularly, and with a slice of luck you'll spot dolphins, manta rays, and sea snakes.

If you're visiting between July and October, Crystal Bay is home to the Mola-Mola (Ocean Sunfish), which is one of the largest bony fish in the world, growing up to 2 meters long and weighing over 1000 kilograms. Although scuba divers travel from around the world to interact with these ocean giants, many snorkelers have also had the pleasure of swimming in their midst.
Crystal Bay: Nusa Penida
< 30 meters
15 - 29 degrees
5- 40 meters
July - October
The Biorock metal structures are placed along the eastern shoreline off Gili Trawangan. The technology uses low voltage currents passing through steel structures resulting in the accretion of solid limestone. Limestone is the best substrate for hard coral growth. The low currents are safe for humans and all marine organisms. The Biorock Reef has resulted in faster growth rates and healing times for stony corals as well as higher survival rates from bleaching events. The Biorock project has successfully regenerated and populated damaged reefs, increased the biodiversity of marine organisms, and protected the beaches and shoreline from coastal erosion.

These artificial reef structures are about 40 meters offshore, vary in size and shape, extend from 1 meter down to 18 meters, with the densest coral growth occurring in the shallows. Soft corals, sponges, tunicates, and bivalves are flourishing here. Juvenile Reef fish, Scorpionfish, Lionfish, Damsels, Butterflyfish, Triggerfish, and Trumpetfish are just some of the local residents. The site is perfect for divers and snorkelers alike, and is a great example of how divers have positively impacted the reef ecosystem in the Gili Islands.
Biorocks: Gili Trawangan
< 30 meters
27 - 29 degrees
1 - 18 meters
All year round
Located on the west coast between Toyapakeh and Crystal Bay, Gamat Bay is quite small but is fringed with a secluded white-sandy beach, is relatively untouched, and offers an amazing snorkelling experience. The water clarity in the shallower areas is excellent, and the temperature is warm and inviting.

The calm waters of Gamat bay are full of small caves and crevices, and the variety of reef fish and invertebrates here are exceptional. You'll be amazed by the vivid beauty of the coral-covered rocks and steep slopes which creates a nursery for all kinds of marine life that flourish in the nutrient-rich waters. Venture out a little further from the shore and you're likely to to encounter larger pelagic fish, including turtles, reef sharks, manta rays, surgeonfish, grouper, unicornfish, and the occasional sunfish.
Gamat Bay: Nusa Penida
<25 meters
27 - 29 degrees
20 meters
All year round
Temple Point was created in 2005 to highlight the environmental threat to marine life when a group of underwater Buddhist temple statues were submerged in the channel on the northern end of Nusa Ceningan. This tranquil temple garden provides an opportunity for new life to develop under the sea in a conservation project that is as beautiful as it is effective. Made primarily of locally carved natural stone, these majestic works of art feature a 3 meter tall Buddha statue surrounded by a number of large bell-shaped stupas that resemble ruins, similar to those at Borobudur Temple in central Java.

Incredible biodiversity thrives in and around the sunken statues that attracts more marine life to the area. The end result has delivered a blossoming ecosystem teeming with delicate corals, anemones and a variety of colourful fish. At only 7 meters deep, the garden can be easily accessed by snorkelers - it’s a wonderful sight that you won’t want to miss!
Temple Point: Nusa Ceningan
< 15 meters
7 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Wall point Nusa Penida serves as a barrier between the short beach area and the deep sea of the Indian Ocean. From 5 - 15 meters of water a vividly splendid coral plateau bursts into view, tapering into a deep wall that cascades into the depths below. The constant current running along the wall makes for fantastic snorkelling for those with a little more experience.

The nutrient-rich waters allow both hard and soft corals to thrive, in addition to an abundance of marine life. As you glide along you'll spot thousands of colourful marine fish, invertebrates hiding in the crevices, together with larger species including Moray Eels, Octopus, Sweetlip, Red Tooth Trigger Fish, Batfish, Reef Sharks, Grouper, Barracuda, Rays, and the occasional Mola-Mola.
Wall Point: Nusa Penida
<30 meters
5 - 15 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
At Frog Fish Point, you'll have the incredible opportunity to encounter the elusive frogfish, adorned in intricate camouflage that blends seamlessly with their surroundings. These fascinating creatures, along with the leaf scorpion fish, sea horses, ghost pipefish, and nudibranches, showcase the incredible diversity of marine life in this area. Swim alongside the graceful black spotted morays, spearers, pipefish, and ribbon eel morays as they gracefully navigate through the vibrant coral formations.

Admire the dance of clownfish amidst the swaying anemones, creating a breathtaking sight. Keep an eye out for the curious garden eels, playfully popping up from the sandy seabed, always eager to greet snorkelers with their inquisitive nature. Glide alongside majestic turtles, marvel at the elegant movements of Indian walkman, and be mesmerized by the mesmerizing blue spotted stingrays gracefully gliding through the water. This hidden gem is renowned for its diverse and captivating marine species, making every underwater exploration an extraordinary adventure.
Frogfish Point: Gili Air
>20 meters
3 - 26 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round
Situated on the northern tip of Gili Air, Hans Reef presents snorkelers with a captivating underwater playground that will leave you mesmerized. Watch in awe as octopuses gracefully glide through the reefs, and become enchanted by the vibrant hues of cuttlefish as they change colors in a mesmerizing dance. Swim alongside playful clownfish as they dart in and out of their anemone homes, creating a delightful spectacle. The reef is also home to scorpionfish, blue spotted stingrays, and peacock mantis shrimp. Delight in the intricate patterns and vibrant colors of nudibranchs, and keep your eyes peeled for the elusive pipefish as they gracefully navigate through the coral formations. Spot the camouflaged frogfish blending seamlessly with their surroundings, and witness the graceful movements of lionfish and moray eels as they navigate their underwater realm.

A short swim away lies the renowned Turtle Rock, a submerged pinnacle that reaches a depth of 12 meters. It serves as a soft resting place for the majestic green sea turtles. Witness these gentle giants as they gracefully glide through the water, occasionally pausing to seek solace in the comforting embrace of the magnificent barrel sponges.
Han's Reef: Gili Air
15 - 30 meters
6 - 22 meters
27 - 29 degrees
All year round

Discover a World of Wonder

Our Snorkeling Tips For Beginners

Hire Equipment That Fits Properly
When renting equipment, it’s wise to try it on and check its condition before venturing into the water. A simple test to check the mask fit is to place it up against your face (without using the strap), suck gently through your nose, and then let go of the mask. If it has made a good seal it will stick to your face for a couple of seconds. As for the fins, they should fit snugly, without hurting your feet. Fins that are too loose are likely to cause chaffing and painful blisters or even fall off in the water.
Learn Basic Mask and Snorkel Skills
Breathing through the snorkel can feel a bit weird at first, so it’s recommended that you wear your gear and swim around in a pool just to get used to the feeling. If you are on a beach, start by swimming in the shallow area before plunging into the deep. You should also practice clearing water out of your snorkel and mask. All you need to do is blow firmly through your snorkel to force the water out the top. To clear your mask, press the top of your mask against your forehead with your palm or finger, creating a seal, and exhale through your nose.
Choose a Good Location 
Don't attempt to snorkel in a place that has strong currents or waves. Both increase the effort you have to put in to get from one point to another and make using your equipment more difficult. In addition to that, waves almost always reduce underwater visibility, so you will have a better time snorkeling in calm waters. It is also a good idea to start snorkeling from the beach instead of jumping out of a boat. This way you can gradually swim towards a depth you are comfortable with. The Gili Islands tick every box here! Last but not least, choose a place that has lots of fish and corals to see.
Stay Relaxed, Calm, and Reduce Effort
The key to a successful snorkeling adventure is to stay calm and relaxed. Swim slowly, take deep steady breaths, try not to overthink, and simply enjoy the experience. A good way to conserve energy and avoid exhaustion is to keep your arms relaxed at your sides and focus on slowly kicking with your fins instead. You should also try to breathe slowly and easily through your snorkel, and by doing so you'll increase your buoyancy and float over the water with very little effort.